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DATE POSTED:March 4, 2024

Let's face the truth: Web3 Adoption is a key to transforming into a better world. A step on this journey we cannot skip, and we always need to keep it in mind.

What is Web3 Adoption?

Simply said, it means more people and businesses are using web3 technologies, which offer numerous benefits. It's a switch to a different world where ownership, privacy, and innovation are perceived differently.

What is Web3?

Web3 is the new version of the internet where things are more open, decentralized, and user-controlled. Instead of big companies holding all the data and power, web3 uses blockchain to spread it among users. This way, everyone gets a say and owns a piece of the internet.

Why is Web3 important?
  1. Decentralization: Instead of one company owning a service, many participants across the globe maintain and run the network—the power of the users.
  2. Blockchain: Web3 often uses blockchain technology and all its benefits, like a public ledger that records all transactions.
  3. Token-based Economics: Web3 uses cryptocurrencies and digital assets (like tokens or NFTs) for transactions, rewards, and ownership, making the Internet economy more accessible to everyone.
  4. Privacy and Control: Users have more control over their data. Instead of companies collecting personal information, users can decide what to share and with whom.
  5. Interoperability: Web3 aims to make different services and apps work together smoothly so users can quickly move data or assets from one platform to another.
Challenges of Web3 Adoption

Even though Web3 has a lot of potential, some significant challenges make it hard for more people to start using it. These challenges highlight the areas where Web3 needs to improve to become more widely adopted. Let's look at some of them.


Web3 technology is hard to understand. For many, using Web3 apps or "dApps" (decentralized apps) can be confusing. They're not always as simple as traditional apps. Understanding what's behind the technology takes work.

Complexity is a big challenge in Web3 adoption because the technology behind it, like blockchain and smart contracts, is very advanced.


Right now, many blockchains are slow and can't handle a lot of users at the same time. In these cases, fees are going up, transactions are slow, and the experience is very bad. It's a good thing that we have blockchains like Polkadot.


Even though blockchains are generally secure, there's always a risk. Smart contracts, which are like automatic agreements on the blockchain, can sometimes have mistakes that lead to big losses. In question is also security of users, we all know that crypto world in full of scams. People perceive it negatively. It's not always easy to recognize scams, and even the best ones can fail. Building a secure and safe space for all users should be a priority.

User Experience

Using Web3 often means dealing with long addresses, managing digital wallets, and understanding new concepts. This can be off-putting for people used to clicking and going. People may find Web3 apps hard to use. Good UX means that someone can use a Web3 app easily without needing to understand the complex technology behind it.

However, creating a good UX in Web3 is challenging. First, users often need to manage digital wallets and understand new concepts like gas fees or smart contracts, which can be overwhelming. Also, many Web3 apps require extra steps for security, like using special browsers or extensions, which can make the process feel complicated. Web3 is still developing, and there aren't as established design standards or best practices as there are for traditional web apps, making it harder for designers to know the best way to build user-friendly interfaces.


Governments are still figuring out how to deal with Web3 and cryptocurrencies. The rules for Web3 are still unclear in many places. This uncertainty can make businesses and users hesitant to dive in.


Different blockchain networks often don't work together. This makes it hard for users to move assets or information from one to another. When systems can "talk" to each other, moving information and assets around becomes smoother.

This means someone using one blockchain service can easily use another service on a different blockchain without starting over or facing roadblocks. It's like being able to use your phone to call someone, no matter what phone company they use.

Access to Resources

Running Web3 services can need a lot of computing power and energy, which can be expensive and bad for the environment. Depending on where the blockchain is built, some networks are better than others.

Education Gap

There's a need for education around Web3. Many people don't know about its benefits or how to use it. Education plays a crucial role in speeding up Web3 adoption. By teaching people how Web3 works and what its benefits are, more people can understand and trust it.

This is not just about teaching tech experts. Everyone needs to learn, from kids in school to adults in all kinds of jobs. Good education programs can show how Web3 can make things like banking, voting, and online shopping better and safer. Also, when people understand how to use Web3 safely, they can avoid scams and hacks. Plus, developers who know more about Web3 can build better, easier-to-use apps. In short, the more everyone knows about Web3, the faster it will become a part of everyday life.

Cultural Adoption

Changing from traditional systems to Web3 is a big shift. People and organizations might resist changing their habits. It takes a lot of time for people to accept web3 technologies as a new standard.

Despite these challenges, the move towards Web3 is seen as a big step in making the internet more inclusive, open, and user-friendly. Solving these problems is essential for everyone, not just tech enthusiasts, because Web3 has the potential to reshape how we interact online.

Why is Web3 Adoption Important?

Web3 gives users more control over their data, unlike big companies that currently control most of the web. It opens up new ways for creators and developers to build and earn directly without a middleman. Web3 can make financial and other services available to people who don't have access to traditional banking.

What can our world look like?

Now, imagine that Web3 adoption is not an issue anymore. Everyday life could look quite different with blockchain and decentralized technologies integrated into many aspects of our lives. Where would we be using these technologies?

  • Banking: Your savings, payments, and investments could be managed through decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms, offering more control and potentially lower fees than traditional banks.
  • Voting: Elections could be conducted on blockchain, making voting more accessible from anywhere and ensuring that votes are secure, transparent, and tamper-proof.
  • Health Records: Your medical history could be stored on a secure, decentralized network, giving you control over who accesses your information and making it easy to share with healthcare providers.
  • Education Credentials: Degrees and certifications could be issued as non-fungible tokens (NFTs), making them easily verifiable and eliminating the risk of fraud.
  • Real Estate: Buying or renting homes could be streamlined with smart contracts, automating the process and making transactions more secure and efficient.
  • Identity Verification: A decentralized digital ID could replace multiple passwords and IDs, making it simpler and more secure to verify your identity online for various services.
  • Supply Chain Management: Blockchain could track products from manufacture to delivery, ensuring authenticity, reducing fraud, and increasing transparency in the supply chain.
  • Content Creation: Artists and creators could use NFTs to sell their work directly to fans, ensuring they retain more profits and control over their creations.
  • Gaming: In-game items and currencies could be tokenized, allowing players to own, trade, and sell their digital assets across different games and platforms.
  • Social Media: Decentralized social networks could give users control over their data, reduce censorship, and allow content creators to earn directly from their followers.

In this web3-powered world, the emphasis would be on decentralization, user empowerment, and transparent processes, potentially leading to more equitable and efficient systems across various sectors.

You are in the right place if you are curious to learn more about Web3 adoption. UniFiers — ambassadors from both projects: Cardano and Polkadot ecosystems are starting working groups also focused on Web3 adoption! Join our Discord and help us to share knowledge!

Current Challenges in Web3 Adoption was originally published in Coinmonks on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.