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180 Finance APIs: PayPal, CrunchBase and FreshBooks

DATE POSTED:June 26, 2012

PayPalOur API directory now includes 180 finance APIs. The newest is the TTAGG Stock API. The most popular, in terms of mashups, is the PayPal API. We list 33 PayPal mashups. Below you’ll find some more stats from the directory, including the entire list of finance APIs.

In terms of the technical details, REST and XML lead the way. There are 117 finance REST APIs and 80 finance SOAP APIs. Our directory lists 131 finance XML APIs and 60 finance JSON APIs.

The most common tags within finance are 41 stocks finance APIs, 37 enterprise finance APIs and 32 money finance APIs.

On the mashup side, we list 62 finance mashups. We named Stock Price Scanner as mashup of the day last week.

For reference, here is a list of all 180 finance APIs.

  Activ Financial API: Financial market data services

  AidData API: Development finance data

  AmeriTrade API: Stock trading and data services

  AMEX OPEN Forum API: Access small business content

  AT&T Payment API: Mobile Payment Service

  Authorize.Net API: Internet based payment gateway services

  AwardWallet API: Loyalty program management service

  Backstop API: Alternative asset management software

  BankCheck API: Online bank account validation

  BankVal International API: IBAN and SWIFT validation services

  BeMac PayGate API: Payment processing service API: Store, approve and pay bills online

  Billeo Active eWallet API: Online payments management service

  billFLO Seller API: Invoice management service

  BitTrust API: Internet commodity trading service

  Blesta API: Billing Service

  Blinksale API: Online invoicing services

  Bundle API: Money managing community and service

  Buxfer API: Personal finance service

  Buxter API: Transfer money over Facebook

  C24 Validation API: SWIFT message validation service

  CalcXML Financial Calculator API: Financial data calculation service

  Cashboard API: Financial and time tracking service

  Checkfront API: Booking management service

  Clarity Accounting API: Online accounting service

  Clear Books API: Online accounting service

  Collective2 API: Stock trading system automator

  Convio API: Non profit online fundraising

  Cortera Credit Pulse API: Credit check of businesses

  CrunchBase API: Directory of companies, people, and investors

  Currencies Exchange Rates API: Currency exchange rates service

  Currency Rates API: Currency rates for 115 countries

  Dun and Bradstreet Credit Check API: Credit quick check web service

  Dwolla API: Online payment processing service

  E*TRADE API: Access to E*Trade services for applications

  e-conomic API: Online accounting software

  Empire Avenue API: Virtual Investment Service

  eSignal Market Data API: Stock market data service

  eTapestry API: Online fundraising platform

  Exchange Rate API: Simple Currency API

  Exchangery Trading API: Commodities exchange resource service and platform

  Expensify Web Services API: Expense Report Management Service

  Fee Fighters Samurai API: Payments gateway

  fetchflow API: Online invoicing and payment service

  Financial Content JavaScript Quote API: Market data and stock quotes service

  Financial Content Snapshot Quote API: Stock quote service

  Financial Content XML Quote API: Stock and market price data service

  FinCRN API: U.S. SEC Edgar filings

  Finser API: Financial tracking service

  First Data Global Gateway API: Transaction processing and payment service

  Foxrate API: Currency exchange rates

  FreshBooks API: Online invoicing and time tracking

  FT Press API: Financial and business information resource

  German Bank Code Service API: German Banking Code lookup service

  Global Currents Pipeline API: Online donation processing service

  Google Finance Portfolio API: Investing portfolio services

  GoToBilling API: Online payment service

  Hoovers API: Corporate data services

  IBAN and BIC Conversion API: IBAN and BIC code calculation and validation

  Idescat Catalan and Spanish Indicators API: Economic indicator service

  Inkling API: Prediction market platform

  International Aid Transparency Initiative API: Aid spending index API: Customizable crowdfunding platform service

  Invoice Machine API: Invoice management service

  InvoiceClarity API: Invoice management service

  IP Commerce API: Payment Platform with single integration access to leading payment providers

  Ireland Revenue Customs and Excise API: Irish tax collection office data

  Iron Money API: Personal financial management service

  JunoTrade API: Online stock trading service

  kaChing API: Social investment service

  KashFlow API: Online accounting software

  Kashoo API: Online accounting software for small businesses

  Kiva API: Person-to-person micro-lending service

  Klarna API: eCommerce service

  Lemon API: Personal finance management tool

  Marketiva Streamster API: Online trading service

  Mastercard MATCH API: Assesses potential credit risk

  Maventa e-invoicing API: Electronic invoicing services

  Merchant's Mirror API: Accounting software

  Mergent Annual Reports API: Business information service

  Mergent Company Fundamentals API: Business information service

  Mergent Corporate Actions and Dividends API: Business information service

  Mergent Executives API: Business information service

  Mergent Historical Securities Data API: Historical stock service

  microPledge API: Social MicroPledging for Software Development

  Moneytrackin API: Expense tracking

  Mortgage Marvel API: Mortgage rate quotes service

  Mt Gox API: Internet commodity trading service

  myAzimia API: Microfinance Database Search

  Myfxbook API: Forex trading service

  Nephics European VAT Number Validation API: EU VAT information exchange system

  NetAccounts API: Online accounting service

  Nexus6Studio StockQuote API: Access to stock quotes

  Nigerian Stock Exchange API: Nigerian Stock Feed Service

  NolaPro API: Accounting software

  OANDA FXTrade API: Foreign exchange online trading services

  Offerpal API: Virtual currency monetization service

  On Deck Capital API: Small business loan service

  OpenCorporates API: Corporate information database

  Payments Gateway API: Online payment service

  PayPal API: Online payments

  PayPal Adaptive Accounts API: Online payment service

  PayPal MassPay API: Online payment service

  PayPal Payflow Pro API: Online payment service

  Pin API: Credit card payment service

  Plastyc API: Online payment and money management service

  PlaySpan API: Virtual currency monetization service

  Postcode Anywhere Payment Validation API: Bank and card validation

  Prosper API: Peer-to-peer lending network

  Quick File API: Online accounting service

  Quoqu API: Microblogging service for finance traders

  SEC Watch API: Corporate filings service

  Shoeboxed API: Receipt organizing service

  Simple Sales Tracking API: Sales tracking service

  SnapBill API: Online billing service

  Splitable API: Cost splitting application service

  StealthModeWatch API: Business information service

  Stock Market Data API: Stock market data service

  Stocklytics Company Data API: Company Data Lookup Service

  Stocklytics Historical Stock Prices API: Historical Stock Price lookup service

  Stocklytics Intraday Historical Stock Prices API: Daily Stock Price lookup service

  Stocklytics Stock News API: Stock news service

  Stocklytics Stock Tweets API: Realtime tweets about stocks

  StockTwits API: Investing ideas social serivce

  StrikeIron Insider Trading API: Insider trading transaction information

  StrikeIron Lite Web Services API: Financial, census data, phone numbers, and other data

  StrikeIron Zacks Company Profile API: Corporate profiles web service

  Stripe API: Online payment service

  Super Rewards API: Virtual currency monetization platform

  TaxCloud API: Sales tax calculation service

  TD Ameritrade Veo API: Financial advisor platform

  TradeHill API: Internet commodity trading service

  TradeKing API: Stock trading and investment service

  TTAGG Stock API: Stock Data Service

  UN Contrade API: International trade statistics service

  Unified Software BankVal UK API: Bank and card validation services

  ValueAppeal API: Property Tax Appeal Service

  VIES VAT API: Tax information verification service

  Wave Accounting API: Free Online Accounting Service

  What They Claimed API: Expenses records for UK members of parliament

  Xavier Finance Exchange Rates API: Exchange rates and charts

  Xero API: Online accounting service for SMBs

  Xignite Calendar API: Global economic calendars

  Xignite Global Historical API: Historical stock quotes from global stock exchanges

  Xignite Index Components API: Stock index information service

  Xignite Realtime API: Real-Time Stock Quotes for U.S. Stocks

  XigniteAnalysts API: Analysts ratings on U.S. stocks

  XigniteCurrencies API: Real-time currency exchange rates

  XigniteEdgar API: U.S. SEC Edgar filings

  XigniteEnergy API: Energy futures quotes service

  XigniteEstimates API: Analyst earnings estimates for U.S. stocks

  XigniteExchanges API: Provides operating hours for world securities exchanges

  XigniteFinancials API: U.S. company financial statements

  XigniteFundamentals API: U.S. company stock information

  XigniteFundData API: U.S. mutual fund facts and performances

  XigniteFundHoldings API: Mutual fund holdings disclosure service

  XigniteFunds API: U.S. mutual fund daily NAVs

  XigniteFutures API: Futures market quotes

  XigniteGlobalQuotes API: Global delayed stock quotes

  XigniteHistorical API: Closing prices for U.S. equities

  XigniteHousing API: U.S. housing market statistics

  XigniteInterBanks API: Global interbank interest rates

  XigniteMaster API: Global securities information

  XigniteMetals API: Real-time precious metals prices

  XigniteMoneyMarkets API: U.S. Treasury and LIBOR Swap Rates

  XigniteNASDAQLastSale API: Stock price service for NASDAQ listings

  XigniteOFAC API: Office of Foreign Assets Control search

  XigniteOptions API: Market quotes for options

  XigniteOutlook API: US financial market daily news updates

  XigniteQuotes API: Market quotes for U.S. equities and ETFs

  XigniteRates API: Global interest rates and government bond yields

  XigniteReleases API: Company news releases

  XigniteSecurity API: Global Securities Master Listing

  XigniteSecurity API: Stock exchanges master company lists

  XigniteVWAP API: Volume-Weighted average stock price tracking

  Xpenser API: Mobile expense tracking

  Xurrency API: Currency exchange rates

  Yendo Accounts API: Online accounting software

  Zacks Financial Data API: Investment research service

  Zuora API: Subscription billing service

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